Protection Profiles

This webpage has not been maintained since beginning of 2019; see the CCRA PP list for the last updated PPs

The JIWG maintains a library of protection profiles developed by the SOG-IS members. There are three categories (cf. MC PP endorsement procedure, v1.1):

A list of the PPs in the first category (Recommended PP) is provided below.

Recommended PPs

Smartcards and similar devices CC supporting documents

PP Machine Readable Travel Document using Standard Inspection Procedure with PACE
PP for a Machine Readable Travel Document with "ICAO Application" Extended Access Control
PP for a Machine Readable Travel Document with "ICAO Application" Extended Access Control with PACE
PP for a Machine Readable Travel Document with "ICAO Application" Basic Access Control


PP for a Secure Signature Creation Device - Part 2: Device with key generation
PP for a Secure Signature Creation Device - Part 3: Device with key import
PP for a Secure Signature Creation Device - Part 4: Extension for device with key generation and trusted communication with certificate generation application
PP for a Secure Signature Creation Device - Part 5: Extension for device with key generation and trusted communication with signature creation application
PP for a Secure Signature Creation Device - Part 6: Extension for device with key import and trusted communication with signature creation application
Part 1 gives an overview on the Protection Profiles for Secure Signature Creation Device available via the regular distribution path for EN standards or its national translations.


Digital Tachograph - Tachograph Card


Security IC Platform PP
Java Card System - Open Configuration
Java Card System - Closed Configuration
PP for a PC Client Specific Trusted Platform Module Family 2.0 Level 0 Revision 1.16
Universal SIM card
Embedded UICC (eUICC) for Machine-to-Machine Devices

Hardware Devices with Security Boxes

Point of Interaction "POI-CHIP-ONLY"
Point of Interaction "POI-CHIP-ONLY and Open Protocol Package"
Point of Interaction "POI-COMPREHENSIVE"
Point of Interaction "POI-COMPREHENSIVE and Open Protocol Package"
Point of Interaction "POI-PED-ONLY"
Point of Interaction "POI-PED-ONLY and Open Protocol Package"


Cryptographic Module for CSP Signing Operations with Backup - PP CMCSOB
Cryptographic Module for CSP key generation services - PP CMCKG
Cryptographic Module for CSP Signing Operations without Backup - PP CMCSO


Digital Tachograph - Vehicle unit
Digital Tachograph - External GNSS Facility (EGF PP)
Digital Tachograph - Motion Sensor (MS PP)